Sunday, 20 July 2008

Week 28 - summary and review

Not much important things happened this week.
But still I am satisfied because not much stupid things done too.
Well, the best things happened last week (as the beginning of the week starts on Sunday..:-p) is to set up this blog. The challenge ahead is to keep it alive and survive and benifical. So, it worth to spend every single calories.

I conclude this week 28 as :

to three Bad things...
1) Still not finish reading any books...
2) Still not finish reading Quran
3) Not so motivated to focus and happy with my job...(but I am happy with the money though)..

top three Good things...
1) Setup this blog, so I can start to work out some of my right brain...
2) Upload most of my photo to web album...(not commercialise yet..:-)
3) No clubs , no drinks, no sneak out....

For next week, I wish I could do this three...
1) To finish those two books which already 2 weeks on my table...
2) To review and post mortem on my 6 months performance...(gosh, i should do this in monthly or weekly basis though...)
3) most important plan my time, my goals, my financial, my life and all based on those review above....

So..i will finish this week summary and review with a remarkable story from my friends

One day, my friend running out of money to pay his father's hospital bills. (he was on vacation in Malaysia at this time...)
Then he have no choice and try to borrow some money from his friend..
And the reaction from his friend was ..."Haiyyaa...Lu sudah kerja luar, gaji puluh ribu, sudah banyak...pun mau pinjam lagi ka?.." (in english: Why you want to borrow any money? You were already rich with a lot of thousand dollars working overseas, don't you?)..
Well...he just keep quite....back then here, he told me, start from that moment...he swear to himself that he will not get poor and run out of money again ever...

Yupp..sometimes...when we are in a good comfortable safe zone condition....we forget to put ourself in a bad situation.....and the moral is, others can help us, but not in everything, not everytime and not forever. If we received any help, don't think it was a relief from our problem, instead, think of how to pursue ourself for not asking for any help ever again in the future....


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