Saturday, 13 September 2008

Hurricane Aid

Haiti had received 4 hurricane within one month. (between 11th August until 8th of September). Most of the places which are affected are far from PAP and Petion-ville. I saw in the news everyday that people in Gonaives (a town in the nothern part of Haiti, 2 hours from PAP) was badly affected. People are still cooking and living on top of their roof. Survivng Aid is very slow. Flood was very high. More than 5 meters. People are struggling with food, clothes, helath and clean waters.

I took a chance to donor some of medicine, money, cloth and food to this victim.
Digicel took a roll and HR and marketing department made up a team as a machinery to help. They put a box in which all the staff can donate and fill it up.

Basically, its not the hurricane that kill this people most. It is poverty. Yes, Poverty is the ultimate killer. And it can kill anything , anyhow in anytime.

Two poverty that killed them here. (1) Money / wealth (2) Knowledge / Education
Without money, they cannot evacuate and move.Without knowledge, they dont know how to act and react.Both money and knowledge were needed each and another. So, within ourself, let be safe and at lets gain and incresase our knowledge everyday. One day, this knowledge will turn to wealth. And both will save us from a dangerous flood of information in this globalitation era.

note : to date, almost 1000 people died in Haiti due to this 4 hurricane and they still counting and searching of the dead bodies...

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